
Indigenous Peoples sustain much of the world’s remaining biodiversity, including ecosystems essential to our global climate, fresh water, and food security.

Nia Tero works in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples who sustain thriving territories and cultures to strengthen guardianship of Earth and all beings.

Nia Tero fully supports the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Misty rainforest valley


Nia Tero is committed to working alongside Indigenous Peoples in biodiverse regions central to the well-being of all humanity, from Amazonia to Pasifika to the North America and beyond.

Our Work

Sharing Commitments. Safeguarding Our Home.

We all benefit when Indigenous Peoples have the means to protect their lands and seas. Nia Tero forges transparent and just agreements with Indigenous Peoples and local communities to ensure they can successfully defend and govern their territories, manage and protect their natural resources, and pursue their livelihoods.

latest STORIES

Delve into inspiring stories of ingenuity and action by and about Indigenous Peoples around the world.

Learn about Indigenous Peoples, guardianship, and the work of Nia Tero and our partners through film, podcast stories, journalism, photography, and art campaigns.

All Stories

O primeiro Encontro de Parceiros e Aliados de Nia Tero na região Amazônica reuniu lideranças indígenas de seis países amazônicos que refletiram sobre os desafios e sonhos para o futuro da região. Foto de Kamikia Kisedje.


Mensagens Indígenas da Floresta Amazônica

El primer Encuentro de Socios y Aliados de Nia Tero en la región amazónica, reunió a líderes indígenas de seis países amazónicos que reflexionaron sobre los desafíos y sueños para el futuro de la región. Foto de Kamikia Kisedje.


Mensajes Indígenas de la Selva Amazónica

Indigenous Peoples condemned legislative actions that threaten to restrict and criminalize the work of Indigenous and civil society organizations dedicated to defending fundamental rights.  Photo courtesy by Elvio Cairuna/AIDESEP


Peruvian Congress Moves to Restrict Indigenous and Civil Society Organizations



Uplifting Indigenous Peoples leading the way and shifting the narrative.

Nia Tero offers multiple fellowships to support Indigenous Peoples’ creative endeavors, community leadership, policy-making, and cultural continuity.

Red house in the woods

Reciprocity Project

Facing a climate crisis, the Reciprocity Project embraces Indigenous value systems that have bolstered communities since the beginning of time. To heal, we must recognize that we are in relationship with Earth, a place that was in balance for millennia. This short film series and multimedia platform, made in partnership with Indigenous storytellers and their communities worldwide, invites learning from time-honored and current Indigenous ways of being.


Working in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and movements worldwide.

We are a US-based non-profit working in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and movements worldwide. Our governing bodies, leadership, and staff are of diverse non-Indigenous and Indigenous identities and life experiences. We view this diversity as a source of our strength as a bridging organization committed to Indigenous guardianship, self-determination, and an inclusive culture guided by Indigenous wisdom, practices, worldviews, and protocols. Our North Star is the foundational principle of reciprocity, which is the interdependency and relationship between the Earth, humanity and all other species.

Cedar sprig