Group of people with hands held high facing a waterfall

Annual Report

Read Nia Tero's 2021 Annual Report

Nia Tero's 2021 Annual Report

As we brought our fourth year as an organization to a close, we reflected on the importance, as well as the strides and successes, of Indigenous guardianship across the world. Nia Tero honors the diverse ways people understand this term. For us it demonstrates the ability of Indigenous Peoples' sovereign right to govern and manage collective territory; it is linked to cultures, languages, and practices as connected to thriving land, water, and place; and it has a vital intergenerational dynamic. We hope as you read through these pages below, you will see the importance of Indigenous guardianship woven throughout. We thank you for joining us!

Read Nia Tero's 2021 Annual Report in Spanish


Read about our annual impact and initiatives.

As you read our annual reports and learn about our work year-over-year, please join us in our efforts to work in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples who sustain territories and cultures through their guardianship of Earth and all beings.