Stories films

Man smoking a pipe looking into camera

July 1, 2021

Sky Aelans Trailer

Anne Quidez

Nia Tero is excited to announce the virtual premiere of Sky Aelans. The film will be available to watch online on August 9th at 12pm SBT (Solomon Islands Time) on International Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Sky Aelans was filmed by a cohort of first-time filmmakers from the Solomon Islands and developed in partnership with the Indigenous communities who live in the high mountain forests above 400m – known locally as the “Sky Aelans” or Sky Islands. Decades of logging have drastically changed the landscape and lifestyle of those who call the Solomon Islands home. Now, the last untouched forest of the country is at risk of being lost. These Solomon Islanders are the last guardians of these sacred spaces. This film is a reflection and celebration of the vital bond that these communities have with their Sky Islands.

Group of people gathered around a camera preview screen

Photo Credit: Daniel Lin

Over the past year, Sky Aelans has participated at 19 film festivals and been screened for local Solomon Islands communities that were part of the film development and creation. There will also be an in-person film premiere in Honiara, Solomon Islands on August 9th in conjunction with the virtual premiere.

The Sky Islands represent the highest places in Solomon Islands, upheld for their spirituality, culture, and value. These high places guard peoples' dignity, their development, and their future. Since filming Sky Aelans, there has been increased enthusiasm to continue telling stories about the people and places of Sky Islands, and Nia Tero hopes to continue supporting the creation of these types of stories.

To watch the premiere of Sky Aelans online and receive updates on new stories from the Sky Islands, follow the Sky Islands Initiative Facebook page.